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  • Lulu

Going green - how much is enough?

How green is green enough?

And I don't mean the grass on the Welsh hillsides, but our lifestyles.

Is there a minimum threshold or a minimum set of activities that I can do to announce that I'm living green proudly?

If I reduce the amount of meat in my diet, cut down on food waste, recycle everything, change to energy-saving lightbulbs, and take my own shopping that enough? OK, if I cut down on plastic too...will that do?

There is no magic list with minimum requirements. Yet, every little thing helps. Most importantly, it has to work for us, or it just won't work in the long run. And, don't beat yourself up if your recycling bin is emptier than the neighbours. Less waste in any of the bins is always the winning option.

By now, most have heard about energy-saving gadgets, plastic packaging, electric vehicles, and many more exciting topics. In recent years clothing supply chains are being looked at too - fast fashion in particular, and the impact on the environment. Home textiles - bed sheets, blankets, towels, curtains are not receiving quite the same attention. But we should consider it too, as the sector is very similar to the apparel industry.

Choosing natural fibres over manmade ones is just one step in the green direction. Natural textiles can be more gentle on the skin and last longer, along with a reduced environmental impact. These benefits apply to both home textiles and clothing.

Don't be alarmed - no need for a clearout and replacing it all!

Use your bed sheets and tea towels for as long as you can or want. When the day comes for something new, think about what you will choose next. Will it be linen, cotton, or maybe even silk.

And do not forget, if the old items are good enough to be used by somebody else - donate, or find a local textile recycling bin.

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